How old is raiden mgs2

He knew about the Patriots and wanted to stop them at all costs. Instead, The Patriots forced Raiden to kill him. The last of the successful Les Enfants Terribles, Solidus Snake was also born in , so he was 37 when he died at the feet of that George Washington statue.

The height of this former president of the United States is unknown. Another returning face. A good portion of the final act is Ocelot pulling back the curtains, revealing how much of the information that the main characters believed were actually lies, and the side he was on the whole time -- supposedly.

It's easier to read in the dark than figure out where this 5'11" cm tall meowing soldier's motivations lie. He was born on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, That means he was 63 when he sank the tanker and 65 during the Big Shell Incident. The unintended actor, but the supposed goal of the S3 plan Solidus Snake reveals to Raiden in the depths of Arsenal Gear.

While that story turns out to be a lie, it does little to diminish Snake's influence on the story. He's may claim he's not a hero, but he towers over the plot like a mythological figure. Raiden wants to be him, Solidus pretends to be him and he gums up the Patriots and Ocelot's plot with his unexpected appearance.

His presence is much larger than even his just-over5'11" cm stature might imply. Like his sibling Solidus Snake, he was born in , so he was 35 when that tanker sank and 37 during the Big Shell Incident. Rosemary was born sometime in the late s, so she was probably around her mids during MGS2. Other than that, we know little about Rosemary. We, along with Raiden, don't even know if she was exactly real. Blade Wolf later stated that it will depart with Raiden for Pakistan after finding a way off the chopper.

After Raiden cleared the final barricade, Raiden proceeded to take a motorcycle that caught his eye coincidentally, the same one that Sam rode into Denver two years earlier , although not before leaving a "note" etched into the ground stating that he needed to return the vehicle to its owner. Making his way to Solis via motorcycle, he re-encountered Sam.

Afterwards, Raiden and Sam decided to have a duel to the death, largely to see whose view will be remembered in history. After an intense duel, Raiden managed to kill Sam by impaling him through the chest. He also realized that Sam barely possessed cybernetics. He also supplied Blade Wolf with Sam's sword, at the unmanned gear's request.

Boris then reminded him that he had less than an hour to get to Solis. Raiden and Blade Wolf then proceeded to leave for Solis. Upon arrival at Solis, Raiden and Blade Wolf met up with the check-in guard for their appointment with Sunny. However, Raiden, in the process of getting into Solis, accidentally broke the electronically locked gate, thinking it was open. After a brief exchange, Sunny then showed them the device she built.

Raiden and Blade Wolf boarded, thanking Sunny. Because of the limited time, they had to undergo ignition without a countdown. Less than half an hour later, Raiden arrived at close proximity to the Shabhazabad Air Base. After verifying with Kevin that it was the location of Operation Tecumseh, he proceeded to raid it.

Sunny later informed Raiden about the gate, and informed him that she'd send an invoice requiring Raiden to pay for the repair and reinforcement costs, causing Raiden to lament that Rose would most likely "kill" him for the expenses.

Deducing that World Marshal intended to frame Desperado with the attack on the President, Raiden decided to destroy the control tower, hoping to cause enough damage to get the United States military to realize something was wrong. However, by the time he got to the control tower's vicinity, he discovered Blade Wolf's prone body. Suspecting that an ambush awaited him, he carefully scanned for any potential enemies nearby, although the ground gave way underneath him.

Senator Armstrong then stepped out of the cockpit and explained his motives regarding the fall of SOP and the ruin of the American economy. In addition, he also learned from both Boris and Armstrong himself that he currently didn't plan on assassinating the President. Instead, Armstrong had framed the jihadi rebels for attacking the base itself via Desperado and had the President rerouted back to America.

Raiden managed to defeat EXCELSUS by cutting off its front legs, throwing it onto stable ground, engaging it in battle with one of its blade arms, chopping up its head, and then impaling it with its own sword.

Raiden kills Steven Armstrong. Armstrong's nanomachines gave him the upper hand and he easily snapped Raiden's HF Sword in half with his bare hands. As Raiden was on the verge of defeat, Armstrong continued to elaborate on his full motives.

Armstrong believed that America had rotted to the core, so he intended to remake America so the citizens will all fight, die, and kill for whatever they individually believed in. He also expressed the sentiment that the weak needed purging. This prompted Raiden to stand back up and call Armstrong insane. Despite the best of his abilities, he was unable to defeat Armstrong, let alone do sufficient damage.

However, Blade Wolf had gotten back up, and after playing back a message Sam recorded before his death, supplied Raiden with Sam's sword. Raiden then reengaged Armstrong, gradually overpowering him. Eventually Raiden plunged his arm into Armstrong and ripped out his nanite-altered heart, crushing it.

Though he was considered by the public to be a person who hurt a lot of people, Sunny still viewed Raiden as a hero. Afterwards, Raiden decided against rejoining Maverick, having resolved to fight his own war, albeit against more cyborg mercenaries contracted out to kill him. He also had his face restored to a more human looking face, complete with a new cybernetic eye to replace his left eye. This codename stayed with him after the Manhattan incident until the Patriots' fall.

One of Raiden's nicknames was White Devil, which was derived from a slur towards Caucasians that originated in China. The nickname's use in this case was a reference to Caucasians Raiden's ethnicity being unusual in Liberia at the time of the Liberian Civil War. Another nickname of his was Jack the Ripper, a pseudonym for an unidentified serial killer in who was active in the largely impoverished districts in and around Whitechapel, London. In this case, it was a reference to his skill and cruelty with a blade, a trait that was ingrained into him by Solidus.

Lightning Bolt". Just prior to their final battle, Armstrong also called Raiden "Saucy Jack," which was the pen-name used by the Jack the Ripper to London police at Scotland Yard after committing his second murder and onward.

Also, because of his past as a child soldier, as well as his possessing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder , as a result, he also occasionally pushed away even people he cared about due to his being "afraid of the night. It was largely because of this cold nature, as well as his pushing people he knew away that resulted in Rosemary initially fearing that he was unfaithful to her.

Throughout his mission, however, being that the memories of his past began to slowly resurface, he also began to suspect that he enjoyed killing, and reluctantly informed Rosemary as much.

He also held some hero worship for Solid Snake, as part of the reason for his agreeing to partake in the Big Shell Incident to take down the terrorist leader was so he'd meet the legend face-to-face, and was initially disappointed when it seemed Snake had truly died in the Tanker Incident.

Although he immensely respected Solid Snake, there were instances where it had its rough spots during the Big Shell Incident, such as when he learned that Snake and Otacon lied to him about whether they knew about the Big Shell being a great big conspiracy, as well as a remark Snake made that got him angered enough to make explosive insults about Snake, not realizing that he was in earshot, and when Snake "betrayed" Raiden at Arsenal Gear to lessen security on-board without warning him beforehand.

Prior to finding out that Pliskin was in fact Snake, he also held some respect for Pliskin in terms of mentorship and camaraderie. Nonetheless, he did end up suspicious when Rosemary seemed to be praiseworthy of Pliskin.

Raiden used to smoke cigarettes at one point in his life, but had quit by the time of the Big Shell Incident. Raiden shared some similarities with his Cyborg Ninja predecessor, Gray Fox ; both had been child soldiers who were given nicknames and to a lesser extent, formal names due to their brutality, underwent cybernetic experimentation by the Patriots, had their memories suppressed, used technologically advanced blades, and they both saved Solid Snake from a Metal Gear Fox with Metal Gear REX , and Raiden with Outer Haven.

Raiden was also similar to Gray Fox's adopted sister, Naomi, in that he was adopted by the same person who murdered his parents. Raiden was also similar to Kazuhira Miller , in that he bore unusual features regarding his country of origin.

Finally, Raiden, just like Liquid, was taken against his will by a father figure who resembled and were connected to Big Boss: Raiden was adopted by Solidus Snake , while Eli was taken in by Venom Snake the former being a clone and the latter being a body double for Big Boss.

Raiden was the only known Cyborg Ninja to have survived, and also the only one who hadn't fought Solid Snake. Raiden was skilled at cleaning up messes, as he mentioned to the Colonel regarding not leaving stuff lying around at Strut C during the Big Shell Incident. He implied that he gained the skill at cleaning up from having to clean up various messes that Rosemary left at her apartment.

Raiden had some knowledge of pop culture, as his meeting with Rose occurred from an argument relating to the building the titular monster climbed in the film King Kong Rose claimed it was the Chrysler Building which Raiden pointed out was in Godzilla , and was at least familiar with the film Escape from New York , as he deduced the partial origin of Solid Snake's alias, Iroquois Pliskin, from that film. At one point in , he told fellow Maverick member Courtney Collins that he was a huge movie buff, when she reacted with surprise that Raiden actually watched samurai films.

He also knew at least some Spanish, as evidenced by his telling two Mexican pedestrians who spotted him "Adios, amigos! However, his skills at Russian were less than stellar. He also seemed to understand at least some French, as he understood Mistral's last words. Raiden's main characteristic was his long white-blond hair. Because of the length of the hair, Emma once speculated that the hair was actually a wig and that it was a badly done wig.

Similarly, his appearance also led him to being mistaken for a woman, as evidenced by James Johnson mistaking him for a female Patriot assassin before realizing his mistake by grabbing his crotch and then reacting with slight surprise that Raiden was male. As a child, this characteristic, alongside his Caucasian appearance, had him stand apart from other Liberians, whom at that time were largely African in ethnicity.

By the time of the Guns of the Patriots Incident, Raiden had changed considerably; the trauma of his break-up with Rose and the "miscarriage" of their unborn son , combined with rigorous training and his torture at the hands of the Patriots, changed Raiden from an inexperienced rookie to a cold and virtually emotionless soldier, who seemingly doesn't care about his own life; for instance, in his fight with Vamp in South America, he freely admitted to Vamp that he didn't fear death.

Raiden's only real display of emotion occurred after the death of Big Mama; Snake told Raiden that he Snake has no future, while Raiden has a family; at this, Raiden grabbed Snake, shouting that he too has nothing, before collapsing, seizing Snake by the leg, and begging him not to leave him alone. Nonetheless, due to his past experiences with Snake, he was completely loyal to the legendary soldier and citing his personal views about Snake.

Upon discovering the truth about Rose's "marriage" to Campbell, Raiden seemed to regain some of his old self. In addition, in large part because of his experiences during the Big Shell Incident as a test subject for the S3 Plan, as well as Snake's advice in the aftermath of the S3 Plan, he also aimed to follow through with Snake's vision of people living their own lives, also believing that doing so will fully free him from being a pawn to the Patriots' proxies.

By the time of his Maverick activities between and , his original style at Maverick was styled after issatsu tasho , killing one so others may live. As a direct result of the disastrous events in Africa, Raiden had become somewhat bloodthirsty, yet harboring a strong desire for justice.

Because of his first cyborg ninja conversion, he also bore several scars near his mouth, giving his mouth an appearance similar to that of a Glasgow grin both in his human cyborg form and in his second cyborg ninja body. Because of portions of Raiden's reconstructive surgery also included the implementation of an optical implant in Raiden's right eye, his normally blue eye occasionally glowed red.

Because of his earlier failure to protect the African Prime Minister, and Desperado's involvement, he also had an extremely cold outlook regarding the cyborg members of Desperado, claiming that they were nothing more than "walking vending machines" referring to his capability of yanking specific electrolyte body parts to recharge his cyborg body after cutting them up.

He even compared himself to the reaper when mentioning that they chose death when taking the job. His outlook was significantly uncaring to the extent that even his fellow Maverick PMC members were deeply disturbed by his behavior. He also had a dry sense of humor and was somewhat sarcastic during this time as well, as he responded to Boris when he asked how it felt to be flying like a bird referring to his being carried over by the MQC flying wing to Abkhazia that it felt like "a bird strapped to a rocket.

After becoming a Cyborg Ninja, his overall strength, speed, agility, and endurance had increased to superhuman levels, allowing him to swing two Gekko with little effort by the wires and was even able to temporarily block Outer Haven. His cyborg body appears to conduct electricity or he seems to be highly resistant to it as when he is separated from his H. F Blade the lightning seems to stop. Raiden's cyborg body during this time appears to be pressurized in some manner, as shown during the two occasions in which he fights Vamp, when knives are propelled out of his torso, as well as when he disengages his visor.

The exoskeleton can also bulk up to enhance the strength and speed of Raiden, similar to Solidus Snake's exoskeleton. As a cyborg, he also had elevated pieces on his feet, near his heel portion. These act as grips for his HF blade, in the event that he attempted to use a break-dance-like maneuver to cut up enemies.

In addition, while adopting the Cyborg Ninja outfit, he was strong enough to not only parry a modified Metal Gear RAY unmanned unit's blade, but also to lift it up by the blade and throw the RAY a great distance, as well as agile enough to springboard across several HEMP missiles towards the RAY unit, as well as jump up to the RAY unit's blade after throwing it a great distance in a small period of time.

His abilities were likewise improved after his second cyborgification, to the extent that he joked that he wouldn't need any of his eyes to take down any of Desperado's cyborgs if ambushed.

Raiden was also capable of surviving falls large enough to kill any ordinary person, as evidenced by his falling down into the cityscape of Denver, although Boris implied that this was largely due to luck. His strength was also enough for him to effortlessly pry open a gate with his bare hands. His strength, although greatly benefiting him, can also get him into big trouble, a notable instance of this was when he arrived at Solis, where he accidentally and unknowingly wrecked the front gate's electronic lock.

When Sunny confronted Raiden about this via Codec, Raiden mentioned he thought the gate was simply unlocked for him. This conversation ends with Sunny landing him with an invoice requiring him to fully pay off the restructuring and repair costs.

By the time of , he became an adherent of the katsujinken "sword that gives life" and issatsu tasho "one life to save a thousand" philosophies originating in Japanese Buddhism, which justify the taking of lives in order to protect society, preserve justice, and defend the weak.

He was also willing to break the law if he knew it was morally right to do so, as evidenced by his decision and motives to conduct a corporate raid on World Marshal's headquarters in Denver, Colorado.

Because of his experiences with the Patriots' AIs, he also wasn't initially trusting of sentient neuro-optical AI weapons like Blade Wolf, with Raiden being bemused that Blade Wolf, then the LQi, in his dying sentiments, could conceive of, much less desire, freedom, as well as calling out Blade Wolf for claiming that AIs never lie by claiming that the Patriots AIs did just that.

However, throughout his partnership with Wolf, he began to trust him, even telling him that he was free to pursue his own destiny. This belief was made explicit during his fight with Steven Armstrong, when accusing him of only using Operation Tecumseh to get himself elected for little reason, like the rest of the politicians, and even called him "another maggot crawling in the pile" if America had indeed "gone to shit.

Raiden also displayed signs of mental and emotional instability and a dissociative identity around the time he started his missions involving Desperado. During the fight with Sam in Colorado, he ends up losing control of his inner nature and his suppressed "Jack the Ripper" persona, resulting in their respective moral alignments becoming blurred.

Indeed, while under this persona, he frequently breaks out into manic laughter when killing his enemies; he also emits a crimson aura, and keeps the blood of his enemies on his sword. He also speculated that, in addition to his training under Solidus Snake, he may have had this maniacal relish for killing in his very blood. Raiden has learned to tap into his persona when his normal, peaceful personality isn't enough to subdue an enemy and he needs to unleash his more violent personality to defeat such enemies.

Raiden wasn't much of a sports fan, although he had admitted that the closest he'd came to actually liking a sport was basketball. Due to his harsh childhood, training from Solidus and the Army's virtual training, his mental state and capacity were well suited to combat operations behind enemy lines.

He was calm under pressure, adaptive, and somewhat critical. This training and conditioning also put penalties on some of his social capabilities and mental stability.

He was adept with a variety of weapons, from small arms to surface-to-air missiles. His training with Solidus suggested some emphasis in melee combat, and particularly in bladed weapons, as demonstrated by his defeat of Solidus in a sword fight during the Big Shell Incident.

Raiden also showed great endurance and perseverance, as evidenced by his taking down multiple RAYs aboard Arsenal Gear, before becoming too exhausted to continue fighting. After becoming a cyborg, Raiden possessed incredible superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. His strength enabled him to lift a tremendous amount of weight, evidently ranging to several thousand tons. Prime examples include swinging Gekko around in a circle by his legs, and momentarily stopping Outer Haven , an Arsenal Gear class submarine with his body.

His body had similar design to that of a Gekko, as his feet could be used as hands, allowing him to grip and grab hold of objects and edges in a similar manner to an ape or bat. He could stretch out his legs as if they were arms to in this fashion as well, all without any strain or discomfort of any kind. This allowed him to operate at high efficiency even when he lost both his arms at the shoulders.

He also could grip, hold, and even throw objects with inhuman ease and precision in his mouth. This allowed him to wield his sword between his teeth, throw and jam his blade into a wall exactly in front of Snake to stop him, and fend off against several FROG soldiers without his arms. He also was skilled at being attuned with nature, also known as scouting, which he gave Solid Snake pointers in it when contacting him about in South America.

Raiden's superhuman durability makes him virtually indestructible due to the parts of his body made entirely out of steel and artificial muscle fibers. Because of his durability, Raiden, at times, had to resort to self mutilation in order to get his missions done, such as stabbing himself with his own blade to subdue Vamp and slicing his own arm off to free himself from fallen debris so he could save Snake.

In addition, his durability was such that he claimed that he was immune to the effects of microwave emitters. Due to his cyborg body's design, he could sometimes generate electricity. He demonstrated such an ability when preventing a group of Haven Troopers from reaching an immobilized Snake.

Raiden demonstrated lightning-like powers, conducting electricity all over his body with which he struck down several of the would-be attackers after he turned on the ceiling sprinklers, allowing him to create electric bolts in the air until the water stopped.

Raiden's superhuman speed enabled him to run extremely fast for great distances. He can run at speeds faster than sound, and can swing his sword faster than the human eye can see, such as when he toppled several storage containers while protecting N'mani. Raiden was also capable of running fast enough to scale walls without falling.

His original cyborg body's durability was relatively low, as it was lacking armor, and was obsolete with limited battlefield potential as of With his custom cyborg body, his durability increased tremendously, as demonstrated in Denver, Colorado after raiding World Marshal HQ. While escaping with Doktor, he fell off the cargo helicopter and survived largely intact, while leaving a large crater.

Because of his status as a cyborg, his left arm also was directly connected to his cranial nerves. Because of this, removing it caused serious and unpleasant side effects of undergoing temporary memory loss as well as intense flashbacks to his time as a child soldier in Liberia, due to his hippocampus being stimulated, a side effect of the left arm's holographic storage data being connected to cranial nerves to record everything around him and his senses.

His eye after his upgrade in occasionally turned crimson when being deployed or when about to undergo a deadly maneuver, a side effect of his eye being modified with an optical implant. He did possess optical implants to a slightly lesser degree prior to the upgrade, which displayed things in a HUD. After becoming an cyborg, Raiden implied that he would drown if he attempted to swim due to his immense weight. More than that he can raise over ton in extreme energy, and punching on steel. During his childhood in Liberia, Jack, on his tenth birthday, was ordered by Solidus Snake to decapitate ten captured Liberian terrorists responsible for killing Americans each one representing a year in his life at the time as the latter's "birthday present" for the former.

Around the time Emma Emmerich's worm cluster was starting to affect GW, after the Colonel insinuated that Rosemary had cheated on Raiden with another man the Saturday before the mission, Raiden privately angrily denied it to be the case, but then started to doubt whether he knew her as well as he did. Raiden's surgery following the events of Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, where he was reunited with Rose and first met Little John, took place in a hospital in Maryland.

Of the canonical main characters, Raiden is the only one who does not have any significant interaction with Revolver Ocelot, as Solid Snake and Ocelot had a massive rivalry for most of their games, Naked Snake and Ocelot were friendly rivals, and Ocelot served under Venom Snake. Konami kept his starring role a secret right up until the game's release in North America, even going so far as to have his Japanese voice actor swear to secrecy about the role his character would play until the game's release and replacing Raiden with Snake in teaser trailers and other preview materials although he did appear in a few trailers, in his scuba gear, his presence was not as emphasized as the other characters.

Hideo Kojima personally requested the development of Raiden as a means to develop Snake from a third-person perspective. In the original script, Raiden's voice was also to have been replaced by Snake's prior to his unmasking, should the Plant Chapter have been played through first. The presence of Raiden in the game was announced to the Japanese press on the same day as the game's release in North America.

Early concepts for Raiden originally depicted him with dark hair, whereas Rose would have been depicted as a blonde, although the hair colors were switched around by the final version. The script included in The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2 indicated that Raiden's hair color was changed prior to the script's finalization, [35] while Rose retained the original blonde hair by the time the script was finalized. In addition, "Raiden" was initially supposed to be his real name, with his full name being "Raiden Brannigan," during development.

In addition, the very first concept for Raiden designed by Yoji Shinkawa was similar to the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, crawling across walls, and was significantly deranged in personality, even licking bird poop.

However, this ended up being rejected by Kojima, [37] although a similar design would be used for the character The Fear.

According to Shinkawa in the featurette The Making of Metal Gear Solid 2 , the primary reason why Raiden is designed as a bishonen a "pretty boy" is because a fan letter stated that the addresser in question did not want to "play a story with an old man.

The twist that Raiden was not Snake was admitted by Kojima to have been inspired by the plot twist of Terminator 2: Judgment Day where the titular character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger was not a villain in that movie.

Raiden holding the high-frequency blade. The sword is longer and more curved than its appearance in the final version.

Depending on whether the player trains to swim in the Deep Sea Dock or not, Raiden's response to the Colonel when given the order to swim through the flooded Shell 2 Core will be different.

If the player failed to do so, he will mention that underwater operations wasn't covered in VR training. In the original game plan of Metal Gear Solid 2 , Raiden was to have had false memories of his father, in which he was apparently killed in a hunting accident. Raiden's "father" would also have resembled Solidus. In the novelization, Fortune's reference to Raiden's time as a child soldier in Liberia was further emphasized, where Raiden thought to himself "Fires of hell.

Could she mean Liberia? The civil war? How could she know about that? Raiden's naked CG character model used during the initial infiltration of Arsenal Gear actually possesses no genitalia. It can be assumed that the developers chose not to model the character in such detail given that the player would not notice this feature under normal circumstances.

As such, the model is not intended to fully represent Raiden's physical characteristics, as supported by lines of dialogue from various soldiers, in regards to the presence and size of his genitalia. In the Metal Gear Solid 2 novelization, the narration mentioned that Rose had once compared Raiden's androgynous looks to that of a young David Bowie, [33] referring to the British singer and actor whose distinctive appearance was his androgynous features, responsible for songs such as "Space Oddity" and "Diamond Dogs", and was also noted as the actor who portrayed the Goblin King Jareth in the film Labyrinth.

The Metal Gear series had frequently referenced works of Bowie. Originally, it was planned that Raiden's privates would have been exposed during combat against soldiers on Arsenal Gear after escaping the Torture Chamber, but before meeting Solid Snake, depending on how the player did. It would have resulted in an instant game over. However, this concept ended up being cut in the final version. F Blade. Also when the player equips the night vision goggles or thermal goggles , the visor is shut taking on the full appearance.

Whilst playing as this character, Raiden's actions are limited. In one of the Alternative Missions, Raiden's dead body must be examined in order to identify and photograph his killer from a selection of characters in the torture facility of Arsenal Gear. The deceased Raiden is clutching his groin, indicating that the killer is President Johnson, referencing the latter's actions in the main Sons of Liberty story line.

Although Raiden himself is not actually playable in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance 's Snake Tales stories, he is briefly alluded to indirectly in one of the stories, External Gazer. After locating Solidus within the gap between parallel universes and learning of Solidus's plan to ensure that he and his alternate selves survive their fated defeats via interfering with the Koppelthorn Engine , he uses his abilities via the Koppelthorne Engine to seal Solid Snake into the body of a "young, blond man" and experience various surreal realities alluding to Raiden as well as acting as a subtle nod towards Raiden replacing Snake as the main protagonist in the main story.

The negative reception towards Raiden and Rose was also alluded to regarding Raiden and Rose's VR avatars in the same story line, in the scene where Solidus is forced to summon their avatars, where it was stated their misdeeds earned them "the combined hate of the entire universe" as well as the ability to "destroy a world" simply by there mere presence, and thus they were infamous in countless universes. Metal Gear Solid 3 makes use of Raiden's character as well as his appearance.

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User Info: Emi User Info: Phaild. Synthetic skin kinda does that to you. Mind if I Cut in? User Info: hungluo User Info: D3NZ You have to remember that Raiden is practically a complete cyborg now. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Snake still confirms him as a kid but he's not really. User Info: Anodyne11 Anodyne11 9 years ago 5 83 is a likely year for when he was born, but from what I remember that's the oldest he could possibly be.

User Info: Anodyne11 Anodyne11 9 years ago 7 I completely forgot about him saying he held the gun in the 80's lol Then 83 it is. Side Quest. I've tried absolutely everything.. Tech Support.

What does the "I like MGS3" choice do? I can't transfer my savedata without locking trophy support?


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