Mind you, this is a call for every citizen of the region not only teachers and parents. Is it time to be serious about regional integration? If, as individuals we can turn global heads, how much more we can accomplish as a united force. Thanks to our achievers out there in the world, those who get the spotlights and those in their behind the scene zones but making serious positive impacts, on the global map.
Coming back to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, time for an attitude of nationalism. Time to make another global leap of success. The ethnic and class issues needs to be resolved asap. One such way is to invest not so much in school buildings but in school curriculum and teacher training. Life is more than the academic subjects; therefore schools have to also include religious, moral, and social lessons with emphasis on nation building and ethics.
We need to foster national pride and grab every opportunity to celebrate such. Politicians urgently need to stop the social destruction of our nation and region by the way they play politics with racist poison and the deadly sin of greed, greed for power and wealth. Citizens need to constantly look in the mirror and strive to do the right thing. When we fall we have to get up. We also have to help each other up and continue the process to build a proud nation a proud region. Thank you Anya, beauty queens, sports achievers, academics, inventors, entrepreneurs, all of you who make our nation proud, our region proud by truly designing and modeling who we are as a nation and as a region.
She was on this morning- personifying all that is beautiful about Trinidad and Tobago. Her slender tall model on the show, was me, in an earlier incarnation.
I cheer for TnT every chance I get, and today, I loudly cheered for Trinidad and Tobago, and the blend of cultures and races that produce our unique beauty. TnT is sooooooo proud of you. GOD bless you always! We love you! From the beginning I was cheering for her. On the show, she was graceful, clam and has intregity.
When she lost her money at Mood, she cried, by she came true with the winning look. And especially on a teen-inspired challenge? It's crazy talk. Then when that designer was in the bottom two and Anya was asked to pick who should go home, she picked him! Of course she's responsible! Anya putting a hex on What's-His-Name for not being good enough Then this week her mentoring strategy seemed to begin and end with making all her designers feel guilty that they weren't living up to her expectations.
How is that helpful? She was particularly hard on what's-his-name, the boring guy with the white shirt that made him look like he was catering breakfast for the show, um, Nick?
He's so boring I can't even commit his name to memory. Still, Anya's idea of encouraging him was to imply that he had tricked her into thinking he was a good designer and that maybe he was just a big fraud. What a shock he was on the bottom again. And yet again, two of Anya's designers were in the bottom and they made her choose which one should go home. That can't be great for team morale. Her designers must always be worrying not only about whether the judges like them enough to keep them, but whether or not Anya does.
On the plus side, Nick Verreos seems to be doing a lot better as a mentor his team's win last week really helped and Mondo is, as always, killing it. I think it'll probably be someone from Mondo's team who wins the whole thing, but we'll see. Next week: Anya Ayoung-Chee slaps her designers and makes them cry. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home.
Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. But now that I can look back on it, I think she was a little biased. A lot of people have said that because they knew about your lack of sewing experience, the judges were automatically going to be more impressed by anything you accomplished.
But I think if what I was making was bad — there had to be some merit to the quality of the design. I think it was an added intrigue, but I think what I made still had a lot of value on its own. You can think that. But that was quite horrible. You really only had five weeks to make your final collections? It is what it is. Karlie Kloss and Christian Siriano guide undiscovered designers through the harrowing rites of fashion. Anya Ayoung Chee: 'Project Runway' winner talks sewing skills, plans for future.
Save FB Tweet More. Anya Project Runway. Credit: David M. Project Runway. Close this dialog window Streaming Options. Were you surprised by what some of your competitors have said about you?