I edit my hosts file just fine from an admin cmd prompt. I had the same problem. The workaround is pretty simple, copy the file to your desktop, edit it, then move it back. Alright, Do i need to restart my system after making the changes? It doesn't seem to be working instantly. In order to edit it with notepad, you'll need to run notepad as an administrator. The hosts file works with all versions of windows, in most operating systems use a hosts file including your android phone.
You will be prompted to overwrite the file select yes. Remember when you finish editing the hosts file to strip off the extension ". There is no need to reboot your system, just close and re-open your browser of choice.
When editing the host file on android phones you will need to reboot the phone. Team, I don't know if my question is valid here or not but trying hard with Google i came here on this link And to get the service i need to generate Access Token To generate Access Token I need to provide.
MoraleJ : If you want to publish anything from your own computer See my answer here. It will not restrict you from editing the hosts file like the gui. This will append your host entries at the end of the hosts file. Improve this answer. Molly Molly This doesn't work either. I noticed that there is no 'hosts' file in the Trying to create a new hosts file just gives me a 'Cannot create file, file already exists' error. It looks like the right way to go is to use the fixit application, and not the manual method.
Strange thing is that now it doesn't look like there's a hosts file anymore I've got a quick question before this thing is eventually locked, I'm told that its safe to delete the hosts file altogether, is that right? I could avoid this problem on brand new installs just by deleting the hosts file. DNS hijackers are usually installed by exploits make sure your browser and plugins are up to date next time; don't install plugins you don't definitely need, for example Adobe Reader's PDF plugin that has caused many, many infections over the last year.
MalwareBytes Spybot Adaware. Dave M Dave M 13k 21 21 gold badges 35 35 silver badges 45 45 bronze badges. Have you used all three? Note: This answer will not help you fix the problem. It is a stopgap only. Non-authoritative answer: Name: www. This gets me to Google's homepage but no farther than that.
Gaff Victor Mena Victor Mena 11 1 1 bronze badge. AL1 AL1 11 1 1 bronze badge. Carl Croom Carl Croom 81 1 1 bronze badge. Community Bot 1. William Hilsum William Hilsum k 19 19 gold badges silver badges bronze badges.
Thats the thing, I don't see a 'hosts' file here. That would display it if it's got the system bit set. Then you could use attrib -s on it. This is very confusing :S Are you sure the file is there now? Tap and hold or right-click the Hosts file, select Rename , and then rename the file as "Hosts. If you are prompted to enter an administrator password, select Continue. To do this, swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Search , type Notepad, and then tap the Notepad icon.
Or, if you are using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, click Search , type Notepad, and then click Notepad. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Search , type run, and then tap the Run icon.
Or, if you are using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, select Search , type run, and then select the Run icon. Select the Hosts file, select Rename , and then rename the file as "Hosts. If you are prompted to enter an administrator password, tap or click Continue. On the File menu, select Save as , type "hosts" in the File name box, and then save the file to the desktop.
Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8, This change has affected your software updates and security options. Learn what this means for you and how to stay protected. Microsoft ended support for Windows Server on July 14, Windows 8 Windows 8. Donald Byrd Donald Byrd 5 5 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges.
BR, Mike. Mike Morsnowski Mike Morsnowski 11 2 2 bronze badges. TheBrain TheBrain Thanks Brain, deleted everything in etc. Had tried all the things mentioned before. If you have any IPv6 entries, make sure that any IPv4 entries precede them!
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