When is linear queue said to be empty

Insert an element into a queue 2. Delete an element from a queue 3. Peek an element form a queue 4. Display the queue 5. EXIT Enter your choice : 4 1 2 3 1. A queue is a container of objects a linear collection that are inserted and removed according to the first-in first-out FIFO principle. An excellent example of a queue is a line of students in the food court.

New additions to a line made to the back of the queue, while removal or serving happens in the front. In the queue only two operations are allowed enqueue and dequeue. Enqueue means to insert an item into the back of the queue, dequeue means removing the front item. The picture demonstrates the FIFO access. The queue is a linear data structure that permits insertion of a new element at one end and deletion of an element at the other end.

The difference between stacks and queues is in removing. What are the types of queue management? What are different type of queue? What are advantages of linear queue? Disadvantages of circular queue? Data structures - types of queue? Explain the nature of circular queues in data structures? Bring out the advantages of circular queue over linear queue? Advantages of circular queue over linear queue? What are the different between stack and queue? How circular queue overcome the disadvantages linear queue?

Why insert element in queue? Define is circular queue with example? Difference between queue and a circular queue?

Study Guides. Trending Questions. Still have questions? Data Warehouse. Javatpoint Services JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. Operations on Linear Queue There are two operations that can be performed on a linear queue: Enqueue: The enqueue operation inserts the new element from the rear end. Dequeue: The dequeue operation is used to delete the existing element from the front end of the queue. What is a Circular Queue?

Operations on Circular Queue The following are the two operations that can be performed on a circular queue are: Enqueue: It inserts an element in a queue. The given below are the scenarios that can be considered while inserting an element: If the queue is empty, then the front and rear are set to 0 to insert a new element. If queue is not empty, then the value of the rear gets incremented. If queue is not empty and rear is equal to n-1, then rear is set to 0. Dequeue: It performs a deletion operation in the Queue.

The following are the points or cases that can be considered while deleting an element: If there is only one element in a queue, after the dequeue operation is performed on the queue, the queue will become empty. In this case, the front and rear values are set to If the value of the front is equal to n-1, after the dequeue operation is performed, the value of the front variable is set to 0.

If either of the above conditions is not fulfilled, then the front value is incremented. The linear queue is a type of linear data structure that contains the elements in a sequential manner.


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